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Haven and Hearth Wiki
Chantrelle & Onion Pirozhki
Chantrelle & Onion Pirozhki
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Baking
Object(s) Required Bread Dough, Chantrelles, Yellow Onion
Produced By Oven
Hunger Filled 50
FEPs % of Total
STR 0 0%
AGI 0 0%
INT 0 0%
CON 4 50%
PER 0 0%
CHA 0 0%
DEX 4 50%
PSY 0 0%
Hurt damage 0 0%
Sum 8
Hunger per FEP 6.25
FEP per Hunger 1.6
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Chantrelle & Onion Pirozhki, once baked, can be eaten by right clicking on them and selecting the "Eat" option.

This food fills 50 units of the hunger bar and gives 4 CON + 4 DEX in FEPs.

How to Acquire[]

Craft > Cooking > Baking > Chantrelle & Onion Pirozhki

Gather the ingredients and execute the recipe to produce the dough. Place the dough in the oven, then fuel the Oven with 3 branches and light it. When baking other foods at the same time as chantrelle & onion pirozhki, be certain they have the same bake time, otherwise they will turn into ash.

The chantrelle & onion pirozhki will be finished in approximately 18 minutes.