Haven and Hearth Wiki
Haven and Hearth Wiki


How to make cheese[]

You need to fill a curding tub with milk and rennet. Rennet you get by cooking intestines and vinegar into clay jars at a cauldron. When you fill the tub with both, it'll slowly start producing curd. Curd can be eaten for 1 strength FEP, or you can fill a cheese tray with 4 curd. Place a full cheese tray on a cheese rack and let it sit for quite some time. It'll turn into one of the four tier 1 cheeses, depending on the location of the rack (cellar, cabin, outside and mine are relevant locations. 'cabin' means inside a Timber House, Log Cabin, or Stone Mansion. A cave counts as a mine.). You can further age this tier 1 cheese to get a tier 2 cheese, and so forth. The time of each stage is dependent on the type of cheese you are making.

So, the quality of cheese depends on the quality of the milk and rennet, the quality of your curding tub and cheese tray.

There are only 4 stages. There are 12 cheeses in total, including Generic Gouda.

Stage 1[]

Curd Maturation time (real hours)
Cabin Tasty Emmentaler ???
Cellar Cellar Cheddar ???
Mine Mothzarella ???
Outside Creamy Camembert ???

Stage 2[]

Tasty Emmentaler Cellar Cheddar Mothzarella Creamy Camembert
Cabin Generic Gouda Brodgar Blue Cheese Harmesan Cheese Generic Gouda
Cellar Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Harmesan Cheese Generic Gouda
Mine Musky Miben Cave Cheddar Generic Gouda Generic Gouda
Outside Generic Gouda Brodgar Blue Cheese Generic Gouda Generic Gouda

Creamy Camembert - Final Stage (remove to keep the same)

Stage 3[]

Musky Miben Cave Cheddar Brodgar Blue Cheese Harmesan Cheese
Cabin Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Generic Gouda
Cellar Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Generic Gouda
Mine Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Jorbonzola Generic Gouda
Outside Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Generic Gouda Sunlit Stilton

Musky Miben -Final Stage (remove to keep the same)

Cave Cheddar- Final Stage (remove to keep the same)

Stage 4[]

Jorbonzola Sunlit Stilton
Cabin Generic Gouda Generic Gouda
Cellar Midnight Blue Cheese
Mine Generic Gouda Generic Gouda
Outside Generic Gouda Generic Gouda

FEP information[]

Cheese Slices FEP per Slice Total FEP Hunger per Slice
Curds n/a 1 str (per curd) 1 str 40 units (4%)
Tasty Emmentaler 4 5 int, 7 cha 20 int, 28 cha 40 units (4%)
Cellar Cheddar 2 12 str, 3 agi 24 str, 6 agi 40 units (4%)
Mothzarella 4 5 per, 3 cha 20 per, 12 cha 40 units (4%)
Creamy Camembert 3 7 agi, 3 cha 21 agi, 9 cha 40 units (4%)
Brodgar Blue Cheese 3 15 str 45 str 40 units (4%)
Cave Cheddar 2 20 str 40 str 40 units (4%)
Harmesan Cheese 2 25 cha, 5 black 50 cha, 10 black 40 units (4%)
Jorbonzola 1 50 int 50 int 40 units (4%)
Musky Miben 5 10 str, 10 int 50 str, 50 int 40 units (4%)
Midnight Blue cheese 1 75 str 75 str 40 units (4%)
Sunlit Stilton 1 100 cha 100 cha 40 units (4%)
Generic Gouda 2 5 con 10 con 40 units (4%)

Below you can find a schema of the different cheese stages, locations required to obtain next stage and the item stats.

All other sequences than mentioned in the schema will return Generic Gouda.


Cheese Tree