Haven and Hearth Wiki
Haven and Hearth Wiki
Fox Meat
Fox Meat
Fox Meat
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Unknown
Object(s) Required Fox Corpse
Produced By Hand
Hunger Filled 40
Required By Fox Fuet, Fox Wurst, Roasted Fox Meat, Running Rabbit Sausage, Wonderful Wilderness Wurst
FEPs % of Total
STR 0 0%
AGI 0 0%
INT 1 0%
CON 0 0%
PER 0 0%
CHA 0 0%
DEX 0 0%
PSY 0 0%
Hurt damage 0 0%
Sum 0
Hunger per FEP 0
FEP per Hunger 0
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Fox Meat comes from (you guessed it!) foxes.

How to Acquire[]

To acquire fox meat, butcher a dead fox. (Tip: Skin the fox for the hide before butchering, or the hide is lost!)
You'll gain a small amount of intelligence after cooking it into Roasted Fox Meat. As far as FEP goes, it's one of the inferior foods, but at least it's a source of pure intelligence if you're landlocked and can't get your hands on some Perch.