Haven and Hearth Wiki
Haven and Hearth Wiki

Personal Beliefs reflect how your character feels about important issues in Hearthlands.I


Attitudes are dualisms on a scale of 11 increments from -5 to +5. The effects of extreme (-5 and +5) settings are listed below with the middle settings (-4 to +4) falling in the middle:

Dualism Belief Slider Left Belief Slider Right
Belief Icon Death/Belief Icon Life
  • -20% Maximum Health Points.
  • +20% Grievous damage (HHP damage).
  • +20% Maximum Health Points.
  • -20% Grievous damage (HHP damage).
Belief Icon Night/Belief Icon Day
  • Regenerate health at 3x speed during nighttime.
  • Regenerate health at 1/3 speed during daytime.
  • Regenerate health at 3x speed during daytime.
  • Regenerate health at 1/3 speed during nighttime.
Belief Icon Barbarism/Belief Icon Civilization
  • +30% Strength
  • +30% Constitution
  • -30% Intelligence
  • -30% Charisma
  • -30% Strength
  • -30% Constitution
  • +30% Intelligence
  • +30% Charisma
Belief Icon Nature/Belief Icon Industry
  • 100% chance of getting 3 seeds per harvested crop (2 at neutral slider), excluding pumpkins
  • 100% chance of getting 2 Silk Filaments from unravelling cocoons instead of 1
  • 100% chance of potted trees sprouting, decreased tree sprouting time.
  • Roughly 4% chance of getting any metal from mined ore.
  • 50% chance of picking 1 Gray Clay, Cave Clay, or Feldspar.
  • 100% chance of getting 1 seed per harvested crop (2 at neutral slider), excluding pumpkins
  • Decreased (0%) chance of getting Silk Filaments from unravelling cocoons.
  • Increased period between silkworms eating Mulberry Leaves
  • Decreased (Probably 25%) chance of potted trees sprouting
Belief Icon Martial/Belief Icon Peaceful
  • +20% Damage
  • -20% Learning Ability
  • -20% Damage
  • +20% Learning Ability
Belief Icon Tradition/Belief Icon Change
  • Learning Ability: 1/3 of normal.
  • Death results in a 25% loss to skills and stats.
  • Attitude changes can be made once every 3 days (in-game time)
  • Receive 3 numen points per primary sacrifice
  • Learning Ability: x3 normal.
  • Death results in a 75% loss to skills and stats.
  • Attitude changes can be made once every 8 hours (in-game time)
  • 1/3 chance of receiving a numen point per primary sacrifice

Note that the +20% Learning Ability from Peaceful is also affected by your Tradition/Change Learning Ability multiplier. Therefore, if you have +20% Learning Ability from full Peaceful, and x3 LA from full Change, the +20% is multiplied by 3 to become +60%.

Attitude sliders are found in the character sheet in the Personal Beliefs section. The frequency with which they can be changed is influenced by your tradition/change setting (see above table). This time only decreases while logged in. Mousing over the image at the top of the menu displays the remaining time until another slider can be altered.

Every attitude change causes the Tradition/Change slider to move one step towards Change. The one exception is altering the Tradition/Change slider itself.


Jorb post commenting on belief changes (death effects, change/tradition influencing rate of attitude changes.)

Full Life is advised due to Grievous damage being rather useless, because animals have no HHP, and dealing higher HHP to players isn't very effective anyways.