Haven and Hearth Wiki
Raw Bear Hide
Raw Bear Hide
Raw Bear Hide
Size 2 x 2
Skill(s) Required Unknown
Object(s) Required Bear Corpse
Produced By Sharp Tool
Required By Dried Bear Hide
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The quality of a Raw Bear Hide is affected by survival and the sharp tool quality (ie.: stone axe).

How to Acquire[]

Raw Bear Hides are obtained by killing a bear and skinning it while holding a sharp object such as a stone axe.But be patient the hide is drying for 16 hours. When dried on a drying frame and tanned in a tanning tub, bear hide provides the largest quality leather of all the animals. Alternatively it can be used to make a Bear Cape or Chieftain's Hat. Obtaining a bear hide can be dangerous as bears are the most dangerous animals of the game and will attack unprovoked.