Rings and Accessories
A list of all Jewelry items.
If you wear this ring when you drown, you will lose the ring and be teleported back to the shore, alive.
(1 Silver Nugget)
Clothier's Thimble:
+2 to Dexterity and +5 to Sewing.
(1 Silver Nugget)
Forge Ring:
+6 to Strength and +10 to Smithing.
(2 Silver Nuggets)
Merchant's ring:
+3 to all Basic Attributes.
(1 Gold Nugget)
+8 to Perception and Intelligence.
(2 Gold Nuggets)
Thane's Ring:
+10 to Strength, +5 Charisma, +5 Agility and +10 Melee Combat.
(2 Silver Nuggets, 2 Gold Nuggets)
+15% to Learning Ability.
(1 Gold Nugget, 3 River Pearls)
+5 to Perception.
(1 Nugget of any Common Metal, 2 Raw Glass)
+15 to Perception.
(1 Silver Nugget, 1 Raw Glass, 1 Silk Thread)
+40% to Learning Ability
(20 River Pearls, 1 String)
+3 to Strength and +5 to Charisma.
(1 String, 1 Bear Tooth)
It takes more time for others to memorize you when you wear it, Increases Stealth.
(2 Linen Cloth, 5 Blood Stern)
+1 to Day Personal Belief, +10 exploration
(3 Gold Nuggets)
+1 to Night Personal Belief, +10 stealth
(3 Silver Nuggets)
+2 to Tradition Personal Belief.
(3 Gold Nuggets)