Haven and Hearth Wiki
Silk Cloth
Silk Cloth
Silk Cloth
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Sewing, Silkfarming
Object(s) Required Silk Thread x10
Produced By Loom
Required By Cylinder Hat, Merchant's Robe, Ranger's Cape, Ranger's Pants, Ranger's Shirt
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The final step in the silk process. It's also the hardest. You need a total of 10 Silk Threads, which takes 100 Silk Filaments. The Silk Cloth may be used for the Cylinder Hat, Merchant's Robe, Ranger's Cape, Ranger's Shirt, or Ranger's Pants, as well as to make a Silk Napkin or Silk Tablecloth (Symbel items)

How to Acquire[]

Craft > Cloth Making > Material > Silk Cloth