Haven and Hearth Wiki
Spruce Bough Bed
Spruce Bough Bed
Spruce Bough Bed
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required None
Object(s) Required Fir Bough x10
Repaired With
Liftable? Yes
Hit Points 0
Soak Value 0
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Traveling via teleporting or using crossroads gives travel weariness, which can be removed by sleeping in a bed or drinking alcoholic beverages.

How to Acquire[]

Gather boughs from fir trees and build yourself a nice little bed.

Build > Furniture > Spruce Bough Bed

How to Use[]

Right click on a spruce bough bed and choose "Sleep".

Quoting Jorb[]

"Build a leanto. Put objects in the leanto. If you put a spruce bough bed in the leanto, you can sleep in it. Player's will leave theft scents if they try to take objects from the leanto if someone is sleeping in it."

Note: When a player is sleeping in the spruce bed, other players can destroy the bed but that doesn't kill the player.