Haven and Hearth Wiki
Haven and Hearth Wiki

Why -are- these so beloved in trade? Chantrelle and Onion Pirovskis are nice, but they hardly seem to be the best food ever.
-- Darloth 23:04, July 14, 2010 (UTC)

My understanding is that it is because they give low hunger and ONLY dex. The other dex foods are mostly weighted in other stats, making it a bit difficult to raise just dex if that is all you want. Dex is the prime attribute in crafting various things. Even if these are not eaten for the dex, they are nice to have on hand to get the bonus from having a varied diet because of the low contribution to your FEP and hunger. Ants are sometimes desired by people for similar reasons.

Gulluoglu07 00:41, July 15, 2010 (UTC)

They are wanted because piroz are a low effort food and give 50% dex FEP, which is more than some of the other more rediculous foods (like like creamy cocks or chicken salads). And because piroz give a lot of FEP points.

Exewu 17:51, July 16, 2010 (UTC)