Haven and Hearth Wiki
Wheat Crop
Wheat Crop
Wheat Crop
Vital statistics
Size 1 x 1
Skill(s) Required Farming
Object(s) Required Wheat Seeds
Repaired With
Liftable? no
Hit Points 0
Soak Value 0
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Harvesting a wheat crop gives you some wheat seeds and straw. The quality of the items depends on your Farming skill value when you sowed the seeds and the quality of the seeds you planted.

How to Acquire[]

Drying Wild Windsown Weeds on a Herbalist Table or Drying Frame may result in finding Wheat Seeds, which can be planted to produce Wheat Crop.

To plant wheat crop, select a wheat seed, and right-click on the plowed tile where you want to plant.


The wheat crop takes 48 (Real Life) hours to grow completely.